
block.super not working?

svanimpe opened this issue · 8 comments

Snippet from a stencil using inheritance:
{% block title}{{ block.super }} - Home{% endblock %}

Related snippet from the parent stencil:
<title>{% block title %}Main Title{% endblock %}</title>

I'm trying to use {{ block.super }} to insert Main Title as a prefix before - Home, but this does not work.

By "does not work" I mean I get a Cannot GET <my endpoint> response from Kitura, but no errors show up in the log. If I remove the line using {{ block.super }} from the stencil, everything works fine.

kylef commented

We have tests showing this works:

Could you please share a some code example showing this problem? Or better, a failing test.

These are my full stencils:


<html lang="en">

    <title>{% block title %}Around the table{% endblock %}</title>

    <h1>Around the table</h1>
    {% block content %}{% endblock %}



{% extends "base.stencil" %}

{% block title}{{ block.super }} - Home{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{% endblock %}

In Kitura, I simply render home.stencil with the appropriate context:

router.get("/site/home") {
    request, response, next in
    defer {
    let context = [
        "user": [
            "id": request.userProfile!.id,
            "name": request.userProfile!.displayName
    try response.render("home.stencil", context: context).end()

Is it possible this context overrides the one that includes block.super?

kylef commented

I modified the Stencil tests to test this template and the tests pass.

diff --git a/Tests/StencilTests/InheritenceSpec.swift b/Tests/StencilTests/InheritenceSpec.swift
index 6b741ae..bd92523 100644
--- a/Tests/StencilTests/InheritenceSpec.swift
+++ b/Tests/StencilTests/InheritenceSpec.swift
@@ -9,19 +9,18 @@ func testInheritence() {
     let loader = FileSystemLoader(paths: [path])
     let environment = Environment(loader: loader)
-    $"can inherit from another template") {
-      let template = try environment.loadTemplate(name: "child.html")
-      try expect(try template.render()) == "Header\nChild"
-    }
-    $"can inherit from another template inheriting from another template") {
-      let template = try environment.loadTemplate(name: "child-child.html")
-      try expect(try template.render()) == "Child Child Header\nChild"
-    }
     $"can inherit from a template that calls a super block") {
+      let context = [
+        "user": [
+          "id": "some id",
+          "name": "some namel",
+        ],
+      ]
       let template = try environment.loadTemplate(name: "child-super.html")
-      try expect(try template.render()) == "Header\nChild Body"
+      let rendered = try template.render(context)
+      try expect(rendered.contains("Around the table - Home")).to.beTrue()
diff --git a/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/base.html b/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/base.html
index 7c74ae0..53a79ec 100644
--- a/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/base.html
+++ b/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/base.html
@@ -1,2 +1,12 @@
-{% block header %}Header{% endblock %}
-{% block body %}Body{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
+<html lang="en">
+    <title>{% block title %}Around the table{% endblock %}</title>
+    <h1>Around the table</h1>
+    {% block content %}{% endblock %}
diff --git a/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/child-super.html b/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/child-super.html
index c8964ee..6113026 100644
--- a/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/child-super.html
+++ b/Tests/StencilTests/fixtures/child-super.html
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
 {% extends "base.html" %}
-{% block body %}Child {{ block.super }}{% endblock %}
+{% block title %}{{ block.super }} - Home{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
+{{ }}
+{{ }}
+{% endblock %}

Thanks! I will open an issue with Kitura then.

@svanimpe In your comment #107 (comment) you missed closing % in home.stencil: {% block title}.

It was printed in the Kitura log:

[2017-04-11T21:52:15.080+03:00] [ERROR] [RouterCreator.swift:206 create()] Failed to render template 'block' tag takes one argument, the block name

After adding the missing %, your example seem to be rendered properly for me.

I can't believe I missed that... I stared at that code for quite some time looking for syntax errors. facepalm

@vadimeisenbergibm How did you get that error in your log? Mine just reads
[HTTPServerRequest.swift:215 parsingCompleted()] HTTP request from=; proto=http; over and over again, but no error.

@svanimpe That's OK, I hope you enjoy Kitura :)
Strange, I do get the error in the log, I just used Log.logger = HeliumLogger()

Strange indeed. I was using HeliumLogger.use() but changing that to your code didn't change much.