
defect on getters / setters - iterating over nodes in context

johndpope opened this issue · 1 comments


I have confirmed this sample working fine.

stencil string 
{% for article in operations %}
    <li>{{ article.title }} by {{ }}</li>
{% endfor %} 

struct Article {
        let name: String
        let author: String

let articleContext = [
        "articles": [
            Article(name: "Migrating from OCUnit to XCTest", author: "Kyle Fuller"),
            Article(name: "Memory Management with ARC", author: "Kyle Fuller"),

 let environment = stencilSwiftEnvironment()
 let template = StencilSwiftTemplate(templateString:stencilString,environment:environment)
 let generated = try template.render(["articles": articleContext["articles"]])

For my case, I have some swift protobuffer classes that are auto generated by Apple.

here's the actual class

Basically it implements SwiftProtobuf.Message
public struct Tensorflow_OpDef: SwiftProtobuf.Message (protocol only)

from what I can see - the only difference between the
struct Article
struct Tensorflow_OpDef

is the getters / setters

public var name: String {
  get {return _storage._name}
  set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue}

when I reference the internal code / then it works.

{% for op in operations %}
name:{{ op._storage._name }}
{% endfor %}


{% for op in operations %}
name:{{ }}
{% endfor %}

doesn't render any results.

(I get that this may not be fixable. but maybe some warnings could be added to help debug.)

screen shot 2017-05-31 at 3 21 26 pm

i ended up resolving this by flattening out the protobuffer.
perhaps some day - could use a protocol extension to simplify this.