
Release 0.13.0 (or 0.12.2)

djbe opened this issue ยท 2 comments

djbe commented

0.12.1 contains the error improvements, but also the massive slowdown from it. It was quickly fixed after that, but current Stencil users are still stuck with those slowdowns.

  • We can release a bugfix version 0.12.2 with only #230, although it'd be a little bit harder because there have been a bunch of commits since then. We'd probably have to create a 0.12.x branch, update the package/podspec there, and create a tag.
  • Or we can release 0.13.0, which drops Swift 3 support, but brings a bunch of fixes for Xcode 10 users (we may want to also merge #226 for performance).

Thoughts? My vote goes to release 0.13.

I'd say we go 0.13

Since we can now build Swift 4 since a while it's not like it was brand newly released, shouldn't be a blocker (and we also have the excuse that we're still on 0.x so can be less strict about that ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜œ)

0.13 ๐Ÿ‘