
New release for PathKit version bump

CraigSiemens opened this issue ยท 6 comments

In master, it looks like path kit has been updated to version 1.0. Currently running into an issue where there is a version conflict caused by two dependencies requiring different versions of path kit. In my case it's:

  • Apollo -> Stencil -> PathKit 0.9
  • XcodeGen -> PathKit 1.0

The current work around is to use and older version of XcodeGen, but it's about a year behind and not the best solution.

Could there be a new release?

Any plans to do a new release? I am having the same issue with conflicting dependencies on PathKit.

First of all, I'd like to thank for all the hard work that has been done on this project, it's really been great!

I realize that maintaining opensource projects takes time and it's something most of us are doing for free - but this is becoming a real issue for our project tuist as we'll need to spin up our own fork going forward which is something we'd like to avoid. Is there anyway we can give a helping hand if none of the maintainers have the time to create a new release? ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe if @djbe would have some time to respond? ๐Ÿ™

I'll try to take a look at this in the upcoming weeks; I'm currently in the middle of an long job interview process so no guarantee I'll have a lot of time to concentrate on that soon but it should totally be doable.

Btw if anyone from tuist wants to become a co-maintainer of Stencil to help us on that, don't hesitate to ping us
/wink @fortmarek @pepibumur ๐Ÿ˜‰