
Kinect V2 project for javascript web application

Primary LanguagePowerShell


The main goal of the library is to speed up the setup process for coding Kinect interactions by web developers.

With the new Kinect for Windows SDK, you can use the Javascript Kinect API in Windows 8 applications.

Read this article to know the new possibilities of Kinect for Windows (V2): http://www.ekino.com/kinect-v2-implementation-javascript/

But the Kinect Javascript SDK isn't really plug and play with an HTML5 application.

So, the library give you the possibility to code your first Kinect interaction easy as using mouse/touch events in Javascript. (See the Getting Started section)


1) Install Kinect For Windows(K4W) SDK:


2) Install Apache cordova

Needed to build a Windows 8 Html5 application container


npm install cordova  -g

3) Install development environment : (npm, grunt, bower, sass)

Skip this step if you already have nodejs, grunt, bower and sass installed.

4) Install project and samples dependencies

  • Install node_modules dependencies

    Execute the next command in the root of the project

      npm install
  • Install Javascript and Css dependencies

      bower install

Getting started

Event if the Kinect SDK only works on Microsoft Win8 platform you can program interaction on others platform because the EK-WinJS-Kinect library will emulate the events with the mouse on your browser.

Launch the samples in your browser

  • Launch a local server

      grunt serve --livereload
  • Check the simple pointer demo



And move your mouse over the squares...
Ooooooh crazy ! It's a Kinect Interaction !

Let's plug the kinect !

Launch the samples in a Windows 8 application.

Because the Javascrip kinect SDK is linked with C++ library you need to install Visual Studio to build applications for Windows 8.

  • Install Visual Studio


  • Build the Cordova windows 8 application

      grunt build-win8
  • Go to the ek-winjs-kinect/platforms/windows/ folder

  • Open CordovaApp.sln with Visual Studio.

  • Build the app by clicking on the "Local Machine" button.

  • Authorize the Camera and Microphone if needed

  • Click on the "00 - Getting Started" link to show the detection screen


  • Target one player on a specific area
  • Fallback the API with Mouse Event on a browser
  • Automatically switch between right or left hand interaction
  • Windows 8 store ready to package with cordova
  • Draw the body joints to canvas for debugging
  • Manage drag and drop easily with new EKjs.DragController(body,document.body,0.1,0.5);


  • Add possibility to listen to a jquery target
  • Add simple gestures like swipe, zoom, smile, wink etc.
  • Manage touch events
  • Optimize right vs left hand interaction
  • Target multiple player on different area
  • Show the Kinect camera on screen
  • Manage event bubbling on target listeners
  • Test WindowsToGo vs Bootcamp on mac