VerticalTimelineElement doesn't properly center all icon elements
25zeeshan opened this issue · 4 comments
Problem Description:
The VerticalTimelineElement currently centers only SVG icon elements while causing overflow issues for other types of elements, like img. The current CSS specifically targets SVGs, resulting in sizing and overflow discrepancies for other icon types.
Proposed Solution:
Requesting a modification in the CSS selector from **.vertical-timeline-element-icon svg**
to .vertical-timeline-element-icon *
, which will apply the centering styles universally to all elements inside the .vertical-timeline-element-icon class.
For a detailed reproduction run this project in local, github repository -
The icon props here is - <img src="" alt="test Imae" />
Even SVG centering doesn't work 100% right.
Far simpler to just put the following -- then the child element doesn't even need any extra positioning rules:
.vertical-timeline-element-icon {
display: grid;
place-items: center;
Thanks for your suggestion @timtucker-dte. But another problem is sizing of the svg or img element (whatever we want to place as icon)
if we just use grid with place-items: center
, the image completely covers the .vertical-timeline-element-icon
if image is not sized.
Your suggested code works if we specify the sizing for children of .vertical-timeline-element-icon
.vertical-timeline-element-icon *{
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
Also, you mentioned it doesnt work 100% for svg, can you share the scenario where my change does not work??
Missed that because I'm also overriding the sizing. In my case, I'm specifying a width and then auto for height since not all of my icons are square.
What I ran into was that icons were being centered horizontally but not vertically until I switched to using display: grid.
Rather than having a fixed height and width, it might be better to specify a max-width that's less than the size of the container and then set height to auto to preserve aspect ratio.
Even in your own screenshot, you can see that the bag icon is shifted downwards in the second image.