
Issue with BoS and VS

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Made the process as descriped in the readme file. Using VS as compiler. Get the following error, when running it.


Please test the installation:

  • open command window, go to MS VS directory
  • run vsvarsall.bat
  • go to BoS directory
  • type cl - you should see something like
    Microsoft (R) C/C++-Optimierungscompiler Version 17.00.61030 für x86
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Syntax: cl [ Option... ] Dateiname... [ /link Linkeroption... ]

  • run jserver from command window (java -jar jserver.jar), the environment settings are shown when compiling.
    If all fails: contact me at

made it work, after I changed from VS 14 to 11