
A docker image for adonis.js applications

Primary LanguageShell

AdonisJs Docker image

This is a docker image for AdonisJs

How to use

pull the docker image

docker pull stephenafamo/adonisjs:1.0.0

Run the docker image and create your container

docker run --name adonisjs adonisjs

Volumes and working directory

The working directory inside the container is /var/www so to keep your application data, you can mount a directory onto that volume

docker run --name adonisjs -v /path/to/app:/var/www stephenafamo/adonisjs:1.0.0

You can change the working directory by passing the -w flag, if you do, please make sure to update the mounted volume to preserve data. For example

docker run --name adonisjs -w /usr/app -v /path/to/app:/usr/app stephenafamo/adonisjs:1.0.0

Custom application type

If the working directory is empty, the image will create a new adonis application in that directory. To modify the type of application add flags to the adonisFlags environmental variable.

docker run --name adonisjs -v /path/to/app:/var/www -e "adonisFlags=--slim --yarn" stephenafamo/adonisjs:1.0.0

To see possible options, visit the documentation

Server type

By default the server started is the development server, which will watch for changes to files. However, if the NODE_ENV in the .env file is set to production it will start the production server. This does not watch for changes to files.

Viewing your application in your browser

This image will start the adonis server using the HOST and PORT specified in your .env file.


Because of the way docker works. If you already have an Adonis application and you want to run it in a docker container, you'll have to chage the HOST in your .env file to

If you used this image to create the application, it will do this for you.


The default port of adonis applications is 3333. If the application was created by this imaged, it is changed to 80

To be able to visit your application, map a port on your host machine to the application port defined in the .env file.

docker run --name adonisjs -v /path/to/app:/var/www -p 1234:80 stephenafamo/adonisjs:1.0.0

Then you can visit the application on


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