
Missing columns and values with GetColumnValues

hiendv opened this issue · 1 comments

I was looking at GetColumnValues and noticed that we only take the first object to compute columns. This leaves out values from richer object. There is also a test for the issue but why is this an expected behavior? Thank you.

testGetColumnValues(t, "first has fewer columns", testGetColumnsCase[SettableUser]{
	Rows:    []SettableUser{user3, user4},
	Columns: []string{"id", "first_name", "last_name"},
	Values: [][]bob.Expression{
		{expr.Arg(3), expr.Arg("John"), expr.Arg("Doe")},
		{expr.Arg(4), expr.Arg("Jane"), expr.Arg("Does")},
// bio column is left out which makes the InsertMany failed because of missing data.

This is done this way for 2 reasons:

  1. For efficiency. Having to check all the values in all the passed objects would make a bulk insert far less efficient.
  2. If we imagine a query of the form
    table (col1, col2, col3) VALUES 
    (val11, val12, val13), 
    (val21, val22, val23)
    It would be generally expected that they all have the same number of set columns.