
Login not working on Grinder Server

vvvverre opened this issue · 4 comments


I seem to be having some issues with getting started with Grinder. I just installed Grinder Server, following the instructions. After running the install script, which seemed to work just fine, I tried logging in, but the login does not seem to work. When I enter my login details the page appears to refresh, but it keeps showing the login form.

I can find the session cookies that are created for the session, and an entry is added to the login table in the database. Those parts appear to work just fine. The page then appears to reload (as expected, I believe), but just keeps showing the login form.

I am running Grinder Server on a localhost, set up with XAMPP on Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) on a VM. XAMPP was started with adminstrative rights. I tested the login using both Chrome and IE8.

Does anyone know what might be wrong with my setup that is causing this issue?

Thanks in advance for any help!

You might need to change the IP address to your server's IP address in the config.php file
session_set_cookie_params( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, '/grinder/', '' );
then browse to

Yes! That solved the problem, thanks!

Would you happen to know why 'localhost' does not work but the server's IP address does?

I've meet the same problem, so...very glad to see this:-D

Not sure why localhost doesnt resolve for you but closing this ticket as using the IP address is a good solution, thanks @ryanbaxendale