
no .log file created for a crash?

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I have obtained about a handful of crashes from grinder when I fuzz Chrome on windows XP using the nduja fuzzer. However, for a crash, there's a file called "58DCB01E.0BC01241.crash" could be downloaded through grinder remote server, but the file "58DCB01E.0BC01241.log" has the size of 0 byte when listed on server, and when I click download that file, it resulted in "file not found".

What would be the problem here?

Also, when I seach computer for "58DCB01E.0BC01241.log", there's no file with that name. There's just "58DCB01E.0BC01241.crash" in the crashes/ folder.

Hi, this can happen for several reasons, I put a small wiki entry to go over some of them:

I should point out the nduja fuzzer may not be fully compatible with Grinder due to how it handles event callbacks, however it should still be creating log files. Hopefully the above wiki entry will help.

I'll double check the latest Chrome is still logging correctly as sometimes updates break the hooking stubs.

Yup I can confirm the hooking stubs are working fine for latest Chrome (Version 33.0.1750.149 m). So the problem it probably one of the others listed in the wiki.