
Missing login form on index.php after install

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I was just setting up a quick Grinder POC with Windows Server 2k3 and WAMP (Apache 2.2 PHP 5.4) and the installation went fine, but post-install, the redirect to index.php doesn't contain a login form.

Image can be seen at

Any input would be appreciated and in the mean time, I'll keep poking around for a fix.


For whatever reason, this seems to be resolved by not using WAMP. I installed PHP 5.3 and IIS and it's working fine.

There problem occur because a deprecated PHP function not fixed.
You have to replace the function "session_is_registered( $string )" function by" isset($_SESSION[$string])" in the file user.php, like the code below !

Enjoy ;)

function user_isloggedin() { //if( session_is_registered( 'id' ) and session_is_registered( 'username' ) and session_is_registered( 'grinderkey' ) ) if( isset( $_SESSION['id'] ) and isset( $_SESSION['username'] ) and isset( $_SESSION['grinderkey'] ) ) { if( $_SESSION['grinderkey'] == GRINDER_KEY ) return true; } return false; } function user_isadministrator() { if( user_isloggedin() and isset( $_SESSION['type'] ) and $_SESSION['type'] == 0 ) return true; return false; }

Great stuff, thanks sweetsyk00!! :)