
Using the hoist-atrules option

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I can't figure out how to pass some options like hoist-atrules to Stylus in my gulpfile, putting them in set doesn't work either.

Did you try quoting them as a string with a space and passing them to set? Like hoist atrules? Stylus has some very strange option parsing. We'd need to find out how that particular options is parsed in the API rather than the executable in order to know for sure.

Passing it to the plugin as hoist atrules did work, thanks. However, it didn't work when passed to set.
Previously I was testing with hoist-atrules and hoistAtrules, neither of which worked.

Thanks :)

Ah yeah sorry that was what I was thinking in my brain and didn't type it haha. Really glad this ended up working, and apologies for stylus' super weird options handling, it hangs a lot of people up 😕