
replace src after injection

chaouiy opened this issue · 2 comments

How to replace :

<script src="../../../bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>

by :

<script src="{% static 'angular/angular.js'}"></script>


Found a kind of workaround for Django static (I guess that it's your problem)

  • I have two files (includes by Django in my templates)

    • myapp/src/static/javascripts.html
    • myapp/src/static/stylesheets.html
  • aside my bower.json, my bowerrc tells bower to put bower_components in src/static

  • within the wiredep config:

wiredep: {
            task: {

                // Point to the files that should be updated when
                // you run `grunt wiredep`
                src: [
                    'src/static/javascripts.html',   // .html support...
                    'src/static/stylesheets.html',   // .html support...
                options: {
                    // See wiredep's configuration documentation for the options
                    // you may pass:
                    fileTypes: {
                        html: {
                            block: /(([ \t]*)<!--\s*bower:*(\S*)\s*-->)(\n|\r|.)*?(<!--\s*endbower\s*-->)/gi,
                            detect: {
                                js: /<script.*src=['"]([^']+)/gi,
                                css: /<link.*href=['"]([^']+)/gi
                            replace: {
                                js: '<script src="{% static \'{{filePath}}\' %}"></script>',
                                css: '<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static \'{{filePath.path}}\' %}" />'

from inside javascripts.html and stylesheets.html, bower components are at the same level, so static url is well parsed.
Hope It helps you.

You can use add the ignorePath parameter to ignore any relative path generated from your 'static' basepath