When you make a request to a server, you get back a response which is essentially a text file in a predictable format.
Your mission is to create a class called HttpResponseParser (test-driven) that can parse these HTTP responses. Every HTTP response is setup in the same way:
- The first line contains the status code
- There is a blank line in between the list of headers and the body
Run the rspec test 'parse_response_spec.rb" in the spec directory.
Follow the error messages and inspect the individual tests to guide your development.
To create a class / method to parse HTTP responses, and parse HTTP requests.
The request object should have methods for:
path (string)
verb (string)
headers (returns a hash)
body (string)
querystring (string)
params (hash that includes: parsed query string, parsed body)
The response object:
- status (integer)
- headers (hash)
- body (string)
- http version
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