
Shows the same WelcomeScreen in two different sittuations

FelipePedrotiRaymundo opened this issue · 3 comments

It's more a question than an issue.

I have this case: I created a welcome screen for my app, it's like my app's overview. But I can show this screen again from a menu. Reading another issue listed, I can start the activity from my SplashScreen, and start my home screen when done.

But, when I forced show the WelcomeScreen, there is no way to know if it's forced show or not, and the activity was started again.

I achieved a way to do this, creating a shared preference and ignore the startActivity if it has the key, but I would like to know if is it possible to have a key or a property that flags the activity was forced shown or not.

The code from my done button (get the reference from yours button using butterknife)

    public void mButtonDoneOnClickListener() {

            startActivity(new Intent(MyWelcomeActivity.this, MainActivity.class));

I'm not sure that I totally understand your question. When you force show it, it will always appear. If you only want to show it once you should just use show. It might also be helpful to read Results in the readme.

If you want to start it from your splash screen rather than the home screen, you can:

  • Start it normally as shown here
  • If .show returns false, go ahead and show your MainActivity
  • Listen to the result of the welcome screen as linked in the above comment, on RESULT_OK show MainActivity, on RESULT_CANCELED exit the app

Closing due to inactivity