
Required theme and packages

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for these great slides!

They were perfectly viewable online, but local "knitting" failed due to missing your custom theme and a couple additional packages (optiRum and e1071). I changed from yours to a default theme and installed the missing packages and all was fine...

You might want to warn people! ;)

I should have noted that I was referring to your Logistic Regression slides in the stats subdirectory...

Ah so I don't intend individual files to be pulled and knitted without a devtools install_github first. The install_github will get you all the prerequisities.

But I should add some default boiler plate to each slide deck to make it easier for people to work that out, rather than making them traipse to the README

I'm planning a massive refactor of my presentation build & deploy mechanism so stay tuned ;)