
Showing one action by id.

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Sorry, this might be a very basic question. I have succeeded in creating timelines and pulling them for display. Now I would like to be able to pull and display an action by id.
If I just load the action entity by its id and pass it to twig's {{ timeline_render(action) }} I get errors.
I am wondering what is the correct way to do that.

Thanks so much in advance


Can you paste me errors ?

If your $action is an instanceof Acme\Bundle\Entity\Action it should be rendered by timeline_render.

May be your components have not __toString method implemented ? See this

Hi, thank you for your reply.
I am sorry, I prolly didn't explain myself clearly.
I don't have any errors, I am asking what is the best way to retrieve an action by its id.

This is what I do now, but I wonder if there is a more obvious way:

class TimelineManager extends BaseTimeLineManager

public function getActionById($id, $subject)
    $qb = $this->objectManager
        ->select('t, a, ac, c')
        ->innerJoin('t.action', 'a')
        ->leftJoin('a.actionComponents', 'ac')
        ->leftJoin('ac.component', 'c')
        ->where(' = :id')
        ->andWhere('t.subject = :subject')
        ->setParameter('subject', $subject)
        ->setParameter('id', $id);

    $results = $this->resultBuilder->fetchResults(

    return (sizeof($results))?$results[0]->getAction():null;


4 ways to do that:

  1. If you do not need to request on subject as you do on your method:
$action = $this->objectManager->getRepository('%%%ACTION_CLASS%%%%')->find($id);
  1. And needs to apply filters !
$action = $this->objectManager->getRepository('%%%ACTION_CLASS%%%%')->find($id);
$action = current($this->get('spy_timeline.filter.manager')->filter(array($action));
  1. If you have to request on subject and applying filters:
    $qb = $this->objectManager
        ->select('t, a, ac, c')
        ->innerJoin('t.action', 'a')
        ->leftJoin('a.actionComponents', 'ac')
        ->leftJoin('ac.component', 'c')
        ->where(' = :id')
        ->andWhere('t.subject = :subject')
        ->setParameter('subject', $subject)
        ->setParameter('id', $id);

    $results = $this->resultBuilder->fetchResults(
  1. Not applying filters

$results = $this->resultBuilder->fetchResults($qb);

You can apply filter manually easily by calling

// it expects a collection and return a collection.

Thank you very much, exactly what I was looking for. Great work on this bundle!

Thanks :)