
Only one subject is loaded

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I fetch the timeline for each user like this ($currentUser = \AppBundle\Entity\User)

$actionManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.action_manager');
$timelineManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.timeline_manager');
$subject = $actionManager->findOrCreateComponent($currentUser);
$timeLine = $timelineManager->getTimeline($subject);

Everything looks good in the database from what I can see.

Now, both User:1 and User:2 adds own time line entries and they are spread to each other.

When looking through User:1, I can see both self and other but the other entity isn't loading correctly. Switching user gives the same problem, but then I can't see User:1's username.

Is there any way to debug what class is being loaded to see what's going wrong and where? Or any other ideas?

Thanks in advance!


Do you use DataHydrator filter ?

If yes and it still not load some entities, you can look at this locator to try to know why entities aren't loaded. There is no more debug tools than it.

I was missing the DataHyrator filter... Thank you very much for your quick assist!