
[2.0] [RFC] Edit terms

Closed this issue · 27 comments

I think than wall and timeline terms are confusing.

What do you think about:

wall as today, all actions where subject is "connected"
subjectActions Seeing actions of a subject, replace timeline

What about simply 'timeline' for the generic term. And 'subjectTimeline' for particular subjects?

A timeline is a subject timeline so i'm not sure subjectTimeline is the best choise

What about lifeline or userTimeline for timeline ? I'm not in a good mood :(

@jeremyFreeAgent userTimeline nope because it should be subjectTimeline and i said:

A timeline is a subject timeline so i'm not sure subjectTimeline is the best choise

And what about :

  • $tl = new Timeline($Subject)->fetch(); => complete wall.
  • $tl = new Timeline($Subject)->me()->fetch(); => only timeline actions I am the subject.

I would prefer:

$timelineManager->timeline($subject); // actions of all spreads
$timelineManager->me($subject);        //actions of subject

But 👍 for this proposal :)

I don't think 'me' is any less confusing than 'wall'

Take for example facebook:

A wall is subject actions (/profile/john.doe). Or ATM it's not the behavior of TimelineBundle. wall is actions where subject is "connected". Wall and Timeline are reversed in my opinion.

IMO, me is clear, it's easy to understand than me will fetch actions of subject.

As I stated before, my preference would be to redefine timeline to refer to any set of actions (not simple a subect-specific set of actions).

$timelineManager->getTimeline($spreadSubject); // a timeline of actions spread to a particular subject
$timelineManager->getSubjectTimeline($subject); // a timeline of actions with a particular subject

Ok, let's see what other guys think (if there are).

I but I could just as easily live with

$tm->getSpreadTimeline($spreadSubject); // actions spread to a particular subject
$tm->getTimeline($subject); // actions of a particular subject

I just think 'spread timeline' to replace 'wall' is more clunky than 'subject timeline' to replace 'timeline'

@brentc i'm agree, +1 for that.

Also, with regards to me(...), the method naming doesn't hint that the returned result is their spread actions, rather than just their own actions.

That's the behavior expected, me would return own actions of subject.

Oh, I misread that. Sorry.

So I did it too. Sorry.

What i dislike with me is than you could call


Not really logical imo

I could also see adopting half your original proposal:

$timelineManager->getTimeline($subject); // actions spread to subject
$timelineManager->getSubjectActions($subject); // actions of a particular subject.

or perhaps $actionManager->getActionsForSubject($subject)

Ok, time to be all OK men :

$tm->getTimelineSelf($subject); // actions of a particular subject
$tm->getTimelineFull($spreadSubject); // actions spread to a particular subject

We have:

$timelineManager->getTimeline($subject); //actions spread to subject

// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
$timelineManager->getTimelineSelf($subject); // + $timelineManager->getTimelineFull() to fetch timeline.
// 6

I prefer 1 or 6 :p

I like 1, but I think it might best live within the ActionManager, unless the ActionManager merges into the TimelineManager in 2.0.

1 is ok

@brentc Yes, it should be in ActionManager, nice catch ;)

1 looks good to me too.

Implemented, see #54