
BC Break?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Did the last updates cause a BC break? I am suddenly getting an error:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /ffo/bar/vendor/stephpy/timeline/src/Spy/Timeline/Model/Action.php line 311



It should not, update the timeline repository, i use getter instead of property, if it fixes the issue, i guess it's due to a overload of $actionComponents property (defined as private) on your class

If the issue stays, it seems your $actionComponents property is not an array, it MUST be an array. Have you followed step 3 of documentation ?

Use protected and not private on properties.

I hope it fixes your issue, sorry for inconvenience.

Nope didn't work.. Everything seems to work in a an update I pushed this morning. So somewhere between now and then it went wrong.

Ans is an array:

$action = $actionManager->create($update->getAuthor(), 'updated_status',  array('directComplement' => $update));

Any clues?

I investigate, wait a minute.

i got the same issue -____- it seems to be a stupide mistake, one sec.

It seems with array there is some issues with pagers, let come back wich protected $actionComponents, i intialized on constructors collection.

It should be OK now, reopen if you have any issue.

Sorry for this stupid issue.