
DataHydrator with Redis driver

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I want to use the DataHydrator filter (with ORM). I use the Redis driver in my configuration. I tried the following, but it doesn't work :

            client:            snc_redis.default
            priority:             20
            service:              spy_timeline.filter.data_hydrator
            filter_unresolved:    true
                - spy_timeline.filter.data_hydrator.locator.doctrine_orm

What is wrong ?


What does not work ? Have you an exception ?

You should have log of querie via locator, or you can debug on locator to know why it doesn't locate your entities.

With this configuration, my wall displays nothing.

If I delete the 2 locators lines, the wall is displayed but without hydration. In the subject_component block, "model" and "id" are well displayed (\Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User and 3 for example), but "value" is empty.

the wall displays nothing because you have filter_unresolved : true, it filter actions which have components not located.

Go there:

And add a dump of count($results);.

I see 2 possible issues:

  • Your entities (Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User) are not supported by locator (you can exit on begining of locate method to be sure).
  • Your entities cannot be retrieved (dump the $oids array and the results).

With some dumps :

  • count($results) = 1
  • $oids = array containing 11, which is the id of the direct complement, not the subject (user id) !

When accessing the SF2 toolbar, in the DB panel, I got this error : "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("SQL Parse Error - Unable to tokenize string at character 73") in DoctrineBundle:Collector:db.html.twig at line 71."

Could you set filter_unresolved to false ? To know which entities is not loaded ?

If you want, add me to gtalk, it'll be easier:

Fixed on c08d892

It seems doctrine does not regognize class which begins by \