
og meta tags being updated but not working while I share on social media even after using react-snap

KaramveerSidhu opened this issue · 3 comments

I am using create-react-app with react-helmet and react-snap
What I am trying to achieve is different og meta tags, example- og:title, og:description should be different on different routes.

However, what happens is that the og meta tags remain as same of the Home page on every page even after using react snap and react-helmet when I actually share my website's link on social media?

Can anyone please help...?

akanz commented

Heyy did you find a solution cause I'm currently experiencing the issue atm. I'm on the verge of switching the entire app to Nextjs and this will take a while.. It would be nice if I can find a quick fix

I've been facing the same issue as well react-snap doesn't seem to pre-render the document head with react helmet.