
EntryPointNotFoundException: sl_check_plugin

Nikolatesla-lj opened this issue · 7 comments

Preliminary Checks

  • This issue is not a duplicate. Before opening a new issue, please search existing issues.
  • This issue is not a question, feature request, or anything other than a bug report directly related to this project.


I want to use zed sdk in unity3d, when I import the latest installation package, the error message recurring in unity:

EntryPointNotFoundException: sl_check_plugin
sl.ZEDCamera.CheckPlugin () (at Assets/ZED/SDK/NativeInterface/ZEDCamera.cs:835)
ZEDPluginInspector.UpdateWnd () (at Assets/ZED/Editor/Scripts/ZEDPluginInspector.cs:159)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at /home/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/EditorApplication.cs:327)

Steps to Reproduce

1.Install unity 2020.3.26f1c1
2.Install zed sdk v3.6.4 and cuda
3.Import the Plugin
error message appears...

Expected Result

I hope this installation package does not report errors

Actual Result


ZED Camera model



OS: Ubuntu20.04
CPU: intel
GPU: Nvidia gtx 1050
ZED SDK version: v3.6.4

Anything else?

No response


Thanks for reporting the issue.
I'll look into it right now.

Best regards,
Benjamin Vallon

I updated the package, could you try again ?

Benjamin V

The above error will not occur with the upgraded package, but when I try to run the demo in the Examples folder, unity3d prompts that the camera can be found but cannot be opened, as shown in the following figure

Can you try to open it using ZED Explorer or unplug/plug the camera ?

When I open it with ZED explorer, it gets stuck at ''waiting for camera''
However, using matlab the camera can be opened normally.
"Camera Test": {
"ZEDCount": 0,
"error": [
"Camera not detected
Make sure the camera is plugged in or try another USB 3.0 port."
"Graphics Card": {
"deviceCount": 1,
"deviceDriverVersion": 11060,
"devices": [
"arch": "Pascal",
"computeCapability": "6.1",
"cores": 640,
"name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050",
"totalMemoryBytes": "4238802944",
"totalMemoryMB": 4042.4375
"initResult": 0,
"valid": [
"Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050"
"Processor": {
"OS": "Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS ",
"avxSupported": true,
"coreCount": "8",
"cpu": " Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz",
"datetime": "2022-02-11 11:37:14 AM",
"hyperThreading": "1",
"motherboard": "0J8PX3, Dell Inc.",
"ramCapacity": "16.624304",
"ramUsage": "",
"ramUsed": "3.084841",
"threadCount": "16",
"valid": [
"Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz",
"Motherboard: 0J8PX3, Dell Inc."
"USB": {
"CorruptedFirmware": false,
"MCUDetected": true,
"USBList": [
"USB_path": "/2",
"idProduct": "0x16d4",
"idVendor": "0x0951"
"USBMode": 3,
"USB_path": "/1",
"bDescriptorType": 1,
"bDeviceProtocol": 1,
"bLength": 18,
"bMaxPacketSize0": 9,
"bNumConfigurations": 1,
"bcdDevice": "1.0",
"bcdUSB": "3.0",
"bcdUSBClass": 239,
"bcdUSBSubClass": 2,
"busNumber": 2,
"device": "ZED2i",
"iManufacturer": 1,
"iProduct": 2,
"iSerial": 4,
"idProduct": "0xf880",
"idVendor": "0x2b03"
"USB_path": "/4",
"idProduct": "0xe301",
"idVendor": "0x0cf3"
"USB_path": "/12",
"idProduct": "0x6713",
"idVendor": "0x0c45"
"USBMode": 2,
"USB_path": "/1/2",
"bDescriptorType": 1,
"bDeviceProtocol": 0,
"bLength": 18,
"bMaxPacketSize0": 64,
"bNumConfigurations": 1,
"bcdDevice": "3.9",
"bcdUSB": "2.0",
"bcdUSBClass": 0,
"bcdUSBSubClass": 0,
"busNumber": 1,
"device": "ZED2i MCU",
"iManufacturer": 1,
"iProduct": 2,
"iSerial": 3,
"idProduct": "0xf881",
"idVendor": "0x2b03"
"USB_path": "/1",
"idProduct": "0x2512",
"idVendor": "0x0424"
"USBMode": 3,
"ZED Camera Module Detected": 63616,
"ZED MCU Module Detected": 63617,
"ZEDDetected": true,
"notTested": [
"Please connect a camera to test the USB connection."
"ZED SDK": {
"CUDA Toolkit version": "V11.5.119 -->located in /usr/local/cuda-11.5/bin/nvcc",
"CUDA loading": false,
"GPU Driver Version": "Driver Version : 510.47.03",
"GPU Performance": " Performance State : P0",
"ZED SDK Version (Diag)": "3.6.4",
"ZED SDK Version (RT)": "3.6.4",
"ai": {
"checkAI": true,
"cudaVersion": 11050,
"cudnnCudartVersion": 11030,
"cudnnVersion": 8201,
"cudnnVersionExpected": 8201,
"tensorVersion": 8201
"binFiles": [
"resourcesFiles": [
"resourcesFilesExpected": [
"valid": [
"ZED SDK version: 3.6.4",
"CUDA version: V11.5.119"


Could you try to update the ZED SDK to 3.6.5. The latest update of the v4l2 driver for Ubuntu was causing connection problem with our devices using the ZED SDK. This issue has been fixed with the 3.6.5 patch.

Benjamin Vallon

Thank you!
It works!