
Wrong URL used for API calls when using a reverse proxy with a different path

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Describe the bug
When you have reverse proxy configured with a different path than /admin e.g /pihole, you can still see in the API call log that flutterhole sometimes tries to call the API via /admin. (maybe when accessing the API call log view in the app?)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use a reverse proxy for pihole under a different path e.g maps to when is your pihole machine.
  2. Use /pihole/api.php as the API path in flutterhole, and configure API key and host in this example
  3. Open the API call list view
  4. See the wrong calls with /admin as path

Expected behavior
I would expect only successful API calls with the correct URL /pihole/api.php

Versions (please complete the following information):

  • Pi-hole version: 5.2.3
  • FlutterHole version: 5.2.3 build 641