
Where is the log folder / files using docker-compose?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


  • [ x] I checked other issues already, but found no answer/solution
  • [ x] I checked the documentation and wiki, but found no answer/solution
  • [ x] I am running the latest version and the issue still occurs
  • [ ]x I am sure that this issue is about SteVe (and not about the charging station software or something unrelated to SteVe)


SteVe Version     : docker-compose
Operating system  : ubuntu

#### Expected Behavior
where is the folder ?

Please, explain the question/issue.

docker-compose uses the docker application profile which activates these configs which means CONSOLE as logger.

there is no log file. we log to stdout.

Ok, maybe is more easy to expose my problem..

I'm trying to add a new "Z-BOX charger", very similar to BENY charger (OCPP 1.6J) :

I configured ocpp 1.6j for steve and receive on the screen :


The connection is established but I don't see any "new" device in my list of chargers (unknown list) ..

Any Idea ?

LOG in portainer: This is the full log ?



your problems seem to be specific to you and your station. sorry but this has nothing to do with steve. github issues are not a platform for customer service. closing the issue.