
Best way to use with Trix code blocks?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Thank you for Purify, it's great! I'm using Trix and I need the code blocks working, but I don't know how to do it with Purify and how safe is to leave them.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @JuanDBB thanks so much for you kind words, appreciate it! 😄

Have you looked at the example shown on the readme?

It shows how to implement the required trix rules in the sanitizer.

If you need help implementing it, let me know and I can assist you further.

Thank you Steve, and happy new year!

I will look deeper into it and I will let you know if I get into difficulties. Thanks a lot for your help and support ))

Thanks @JuanDBB! You as well!

No problem at all! If you still encounter issues, definitely let me know here and I will re-open this issue. 😄