
A question about discipline.vams in Candence

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I regret that this question may be not related to what the codes are used in .Howewer, please forgive me for my question .In the verilog-A editor in candence, we include the discipline.vams file at the beginning of the code. Obviously this file contains the predefined discipline. But if we want to define some new disciplines, such as in optoelectronic hybrid simulation, where should we add these definitions? Can we simply define a discipline in the code so that there will not be ant warning next or we have to find the ordinary discipline.vams file and correct it?

caryr commented

"may be not related" made me laugh. If you had just asked about Verilog-A that would be on topic, though Icarus only has minimal Verilog-A support.

To answer you question. The Cadence editor just adds the inclusion of these files as a convenience. You do not need to include these files if you do not need them and you can include other files as needed. So you could create your own optoelectrical discipline in file that defines your personal defines that you include manually. It's just not automatically inserted when creating a new file in the editor.

I'm closing this since it does not relate to Icarus.