
ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH after Letsencrypt certificate

Opened this issue · 3 comments

After running the and succesfully updating the keystore, browsers would not accept the certificate. The error displayed in Edge is ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH, and you are unable to get to the webinterface.

To solve this I edited the "" file located in the data directory, and added this line:

Since this is caused by adjusting the keystore this should be addressed here I think. This post might help other users and there might be a better way to tackle this issue. The only difference I could find within the keystores was the used encryption: Where Unifi has RSA 4069, the new one has SHA256withRSA.

Thanks for that. It hit me today and I suddenly couldn't access my Unifi Controller anymore. Adding this line did the trick and it works fine again.

@paulvanleest I logged in just to thank you for that. I migrated my unifi controller to a new server and used @stevejenkins script but got the same error and this resolved it.

Great, thanks for the credits, you are very welcome!