
In the unHook function, m_userTrampVar is clear, cause crash when hook again

cnsheds opened this issue · 2 comments

bool Detour::unHook() {
if (!m_hooked) {
Log::log("Detour unhook failed: no hook present", ErrorLevel::SEV);
return false;

MemoryProtector prot(m_fnAddress, calcInstsSz(m_originalInsts), ProtFlag::R | ProtFlag::W | ProtFlag::X, *this);
ZydisDisassembler::writeEncoding(m_originalInsts, *this);

if (m_trampoline != NULL) {
    delete[](uint8_t*) m_trampoline;
    m_trampoline = NULL;

if (m_userTrampVar != nullptr) {
    *m_userTrampVar = NULL;
    m_userTrampVar = nullptr;      // This line should be deleted. ?

m_hooked = false;
return true;


Hey thanks! Can you send a PR to fix?