
Unable to add "MarkupEditor" as a Framework, getting error.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have Swift UI macOS Project; I want to add this "MarkupEditor" as a Framework or Package to my project.


issue 1

Below are the steps I have followed.

———————————Adding "MarkupEditor" as a Framework——————————————

Step 1:
Get the source code file from GitHub, build and copy the "MarkupEditor.framework".

Step 2:
Created a sample Xcode Mac OS project, build it, then select the target--> Build settings --> under "Framework,Libraries" click the plus button to select the "MarkupEditor.framework".

Step 3:
Then, build, I got the below Error:

Ignoring file '/Users/web_dev/Desktop/Test Markup/Test Markup/

MarkupEditor.framework/MarkupEditor': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'

Could not find module 'MarkupEditor' for target 'x86_64-apple-macos'; found: arm64-apple-ios

The MarkupEditor is only supported on Mac Catalyst and iOS.

I created a SwiftUI iOS Project, but I am getting the error below.

Could not find module 'MarkupEditor' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64-apple-ios

Is it possible to support macOS? Please kindly help me.

You will have to build the MarkupEditor target for the simulator or run the SwiftUIDemo on the simulator (which builds the target).

I have no plans to support MacOS natively. See the first issue (from over 2 years ago!) #1.