have a copyright file mentioning all the original authors
shirishag75 opened this issue · 2 comments
If I understand correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong -
l3afpad is nothing but a re-implementation of leafpad with gtk3+ functionality.
If that's the case, then it would make sense to names of all the authors before l3afpad as well.
See https://salsa.debian.org/webext-team/tree-style-tab/blob/master/debian/copyright as an example of inspiration
I will attach leafpad's latest copyright with you so you could also use that and add your names to it.
leafpad-copyright.txt and preserve it in authors.txt
You can always say that was leafpad and contributions you made to l3afpad with copyright files . Would make it easier if and when packaging happens.
This is the original AUTHORS file, it's basically empty
I read that it is common with GNU (leafpad is a GNU project) to not list authors. I think the idea is to prevent people committing just to up their count, or say, to fight for most commits (even if unconscious).