
Video watch face background

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Recently an option was added to use a static image as a watch face bg. It’d be equally great to be able to set a video (or series of videos) as the bg as well.

I’ve extracted the new fullscreen motion faces from Xcode in .mov format, would be sweet to see them on my S2 🙂

I don't think it supports it unless it is like a few seconds long since the animated watch faces are short. Maybe if it was declared in the way the Toy Story ones are, you can have it play xx seconds per certain time.

@iRayanKhan I’m not talking about live photo faces, I’m talking about inserting and looping one of Apple’s own watch face videos as a video node inside of the spritekit watch face app. I have all of the fullscreen Liquid Metal, Vapor, and Fire/Water face videos ripped from Xcode, but I don’t know enough about SceneKit and iOS development to actually implement them :(

Ideally the video layer would be just below the image layer and would use the source .mov files.

Maybe Comment 2 in #14 could help you? I will look for some article's and guides for you.