It seems that the file is missing or set incorrectly
huangqiusheng opened this issue · 1 comments
checkpoint = load_checkpoint(model, '/pretrained_model/Jan29-00-02_epoch_261_serialized_ssd-4094ffb2.pth', map_location='cpu')
The model and loaded state dict do not match exactly
unexpected key in source state_dict: fc_car_cls_weight.weight, fc_rot_weight.weight, fc_translation_weight.weight
these keys have mismatched shape:
| key | expected shape | loaded shape |
| translation_head.trans_pred.weight | torch.Size([3, 200]) | torch.Size([1629, 200]) |
| translation_head.trans_pred.bias | torch.Size([3]) | torch.Size([1629]) |
Hi did you end up solving this issue? Also any advice on loading the pre-trained model?