
No icon is showing for buttons

storytellerr opened this issue · 6 comments

i am using angular 6 and icons are not showing on buttons. this issue is coming in all old version including 1.6.0 and 1.0.3.
Screenshot from 2019-04-25 13-57-15

could you make stackblitz sandbox for it?

based on this one -

@stevermeister icons are visiable in toolbar when version is 2.0.1. but in my project i am using angular 6(can't update to angular 7) and version 1.6.0 has a bug of not showing icons in toolbar.

here is stackblitz -

I got the point, so it's nothing to do with Angular6.
For version 1.6 and lower icons were not prebuild in library and you had to include them into your project yourself

is there any standard(name, size, etc) ? how to include them any doc or info ?

works like a charm . thanks