
Thin web-server works slowly

sunloverz opened this issue · 4 comments

When i add the cobweb gem, my app uses thin web-server, and working slowly, can i change web server?

You can, but just adding cobweb shouldn't cause the server to slow down. If you remove cobweb again, does it speed up?

My app used webrick by default, but when I added cobweb, It started to use thin web-server. I thought thin is slower than webrick

Ok, I think i know what it is, Thin is included in cobweb for testing, i'll need to check whether its limited to testing. Your web app probably is now running with Thin because the gem has been installed. Think you should be able to force to webbrick by starting your server with 'rails s webrick'

Better late than never, but dependency of thin has now been removed.