Virtual Homee within Docker Container
Closed this issue · 1 comments
belveder79 commented
I was running the virtual homee in node-red nicely on bare metal, but since I upgraded the hardware I have moved node-red into docker. Now I can't connect to the virtual homee from the real homee any more...
Which are the ports that should be forwarded from the docker container? I saw that 7681 should certainly be forwarded, but can someone provide a full list including protocols required?
belveder79 commented
Ok, to answer the question myself, there are 2 Ports which should be exposed by docker:
- 7681 over tcp
- 15263 over udp
Therefore a potential start command looks like
docker run -tid \
--restart=always \
-p 1880:1880 \
-p 7681:7681 \
-p 15263:15263/udp
-v /mywhateverstorage/nodered-data:/data \
--name nodered \
Works flawlessly...