
Strange behaviors on MacOS

colin-young opened this issue · 6 comments

I've attempted to use this in both my own project and running the sample app in this repo. It does not appear to support rounded corners, gradients, borders, or in fact much of anything (see screenshot from sample app). Given that all of those are listed as "supported" for MacOS, I assume I've done something wrong, somewhere.

I am running and building on OS X Catalina 10.15.6 with Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac 8.7.4. PancakeView is

The only suspect thing I did for the sample app was to delete the UAP/UWP/WPF and Tizen projects and folders. For my own standalone app I just included the NuGet package as detailed in the readme, so that shouldn't be impacted by my messing around in the sample. Both exhibit the same behavior of not supporting any of the borders, corners, etc. which gives me some confidence that I didn't completely stuff it up. But there's clearly something wrong. I should also point out that the Android sample runs and looks awesome built on that same machine. I haven't been able to get the IOS version running yet.

Is there some critical step, dependency or something that I'm missing?

Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 5 59 02 PM

Apparently the trick is you need to reference the local (source code) project instead of the NuGet package. I thought I had targeted Xamarin.Mac full, but somewhere along the line that got switched back to Xamarin.Mac modern.

At least that got the sample project working. There is still some interesting stuff going on. For instance, the corner radius sample appears to have the top and bottom swapped, e.g. top left is actually changing the bottom left, and ditto for the right.

Both the existing project and a new one I set up from scratch are unable to take advantage of the features that would make someone want to use this package. I'm currently comparing the sample project and mine to determine what the differences are.

@colin-young You are very right regarding the corner radius. That is very odd that that's popping up. I see it in the sample too now so that's definitely a bug. I'm seeing a few more things working not as good as they once did, so maybe something along the way changed a bit. Do let me know if you find more things. In the meantime, I'll see what I can figure out.

Glad to hear it's not me this time (usually it is me). This is my first foray into Xamarin Forms on MacOS, so I'm still finding my way a bit. I'll let you know if I manage to figure out anything that makes things work reliably.

So far I've tried changing the target between Modern and 4.8 framework, including the library as a NuGet package vs. including the source with no luck.

Bit of an update: I may have messed something up in my message of 5 Sept. I am in fact able to use PancakeView with rounded corners, etc it if I include the source as an additional project in my solution and reference it as a project dependency. The swapped corner thing is an issue as noted.

Not entirely sure what is going on. I am using the latest code from GitHub as of 70e5363, so maybe something has changed from the released NuGet that could be involved.

There's a new -beta version out too. Could you give that a try from the package repo?

Will check that out. Might take a couple days before I'm able to get to it though.