
JENZ HEM 922 DQ COBRA HYBRID Connection Hoses not working

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The Connection Hoses for the JENZ HEM 922 DQ COBRA HYBRID Woodcrusher are not working. Maybe because of the Special Vehicle Type?

Not a vehicle type, the problem is the lack of an electrical socket, apparently MA checks if there is one, if not, it skips the hoses function.

Thank you, you are right. I added the electrical Socket and now its working.

Same Problem with the new Beaverator 1600 Tub Grinder at Modhub

2022-07-29 20:28 I:/LS22/FS22_LK_Rostock/FS22_Beaverator/Beaverator.i3d (314.68 ms)
2022-07-29 20:28 I:/LS22/FS22_LK_Rostock/FS22_Beaverator/sounds/Beaverator.gls version 14 (0.07 ms)
2022-07-29 20:28 I:/LS22/FS22_LK_Rostock/FS22_Beaverator/camsoTTS70_80_100.i3d (78.73 ms)
2022-07-29 20:28 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight13.i3d (2.19 ms)
2022-07-29 20:28 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight09.i3d (0.57 ms)
2022-07-29 20:28 I:/LS22/FS22_LK_Rostock/FS22_Beaverator/shared/beaconLight10.i3d (1.25 ms)
2022-07-29 20:28 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileAsyncFinished'.
I:/LS22/FS22_LK_Rostock/FS22_manualAttach/src/vehicle/ManualAttachConnectionHoses.lua:185: attempt to index local 'spec' (a nil value)