
ManualAttach + NewHolland TX32 not working

Evilman2517 opened this issue · 5 comments


I noticed a weird bug using MA with the Giants NH TX 32 from ModHub. When I try to attach the cutter trailer to the combine the game gets unplayable because of a stack overflow error.
I tested this with the MA from the ModHub and the latest version from GitHub, same result.
The combine is a Giants Mod from ModHub:

From what I can see, the combine does not have the same type of PTO defined as in the header, so MA may have a problem, as in this case #64

Hi, the problem does not occur when I attach the header. It occurs when I attach the cutter trailer (with or without the cutter on it,makes no difference) to the combine.

Hi, I found the issue with manualAttach and the header trailer. Problem is the attacher for the header. When the distance between them is to small, the combine gets into the attacher, which causes the lua call stack
Farming Simulator 22_2023 06 19-18 06
Farming Simulator 22_2023 06 19-18 06_1

Hello, we have the same problem with the New Holland CH7.70 and the N60-30 header trailer and with the New Holland CH7.70 and the N70-30 header trailer. What can we do?