
header trailer

xXDorfkindXx opened this issue · 8 comments


with the new version there are problems with the header trailer,
the trailers always brake.

sry for my english

because you didn't connect the hose from the lights, but this should be fixed in the upcoming version

the electic hose is on the tractor.

try version from the Releases tab

Ah wait, correct let me fix that :D

🤦‍♂️ that's how it is when I don't read exactly what someone writes

sry for spam

Pushed a fix

thanks it works again.

s4t4n commented

the fix work now, but the airHoses when exist at foragemixerwagons, it connect it but without function, e.g. the connect air sound script doesn't play a sound and the filltype "air" get not more usage becourse the mixer trailer needs