
Question: How to use the xml attribute

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Hi, whats the name of the paramete or xml attribute, to set auto or manual connect?
And is ist only for attaches or the hoses too or seperatly?

On both the input and attacherJointer entries you can set isManual attribute like: <inputAttacherJoint isManual="true" ...

okay, thanks. but it doesn't work with hoses as an example at a attached frontloader-tool. I wanna do as it has a fast coupler.
I tried with isManual="false"
If I set it to true, I can detache it manually, but than there is no way to attach it again.

One more / other question:
Is it possible to diferent the high and low trailer attacher, so that the (Drawbar coupling)<-? can attach by driving near enough.
the k80 should be always attach manual:
