Composable Chainlit Chat Demo


  1. clone the repo
  2. Use a single user cluster (only tested on 14.3 LTS ML and 13.3 LTS)
  3. modify the following config file
  4. Only the following fields are required in config.yaml
    • prompt_with_history_str: str
    • vector_search_endpoint_name: str
    • vector_search_index_name: str
    • vector_search_text_column: str
  5. Run the driver-notebook


  • supports Q&A with Sources

  • streaming with FM apis

  • example of guarding prompts to avoid offtopic questions

  • configure and run, convenient for demos

  • Optional fields for customizing experience

    from pydantic import BaseModel
    class ChatConfig(BaseModel):
      prompt_with_history_str: str
      vector_search_endpoint_name: str
      vector_search_index_name: str
      vector_search_text_column: str
      qa_chat_model_str: str = "databricks-llama-2-70b-chat"
      vector_search_rewrite_chat_model_str: str =  "databricks-llama-2-70b-chat"
      prompt_guard_chat_model_str: str = "databricks-llama-2-70b-chat"
      welcome_message_str: str = "Welcome to the Databricks chat bot!"
      prompt_guard_failed_response_str: str = "I am sorry I am not able to answer that question."
      vector_search_index_metadata_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None
      vector_search_embeddings_endpoint_name: str = "databricks-bge-large-en"
      prompt_guard_str: Optional[str] = None