
Check: Excessive indention

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I'd like to have elm-analyse alert me if I use an "excessive" (configurable?) amount of indentation. For example, here's a snippet of horrific code from work:

viewExpandedBomLine privileges { addNewPart, loadSourceEditor, toMsg } model =
        { bomLine, partSearch, confirmingConsignment, quoteSolution } =

        { id, symbolDrawing, symbol, footprintDrawing, footprint, substitutes } =

        { placements, partType, value } =

        selectedSubstitute =
            bestSubstitute model

        partCell =
   toMsg <|
                td [ onClick Collapse, colspan 3 ]
                        header headerText =
                                    |> Header.attached (Just SemanticUI.AttachTop)
                                    |> Header.textAlignment SemanticUI.Centered
                                    |> Header.attributes [ discardClicks ]
                                    |> Header.text (text headerText)
                            [ [ let
                                    segment =
                                                |> Segment.textAlignment SemanticUI.Centered
                                    div [ class "ui horizontal segments top attached", discardClicks ]
                                        [ segment [ viewSymbol (Maybe.or value symbol) symbolDrawing ]
                                        , segment
                                            [ viewFootprint
                                                { footprint = footprint
                                                , footprintDrawing = footprintDrawing
                                                , selectedSubstitute = selectedSubstitute
                              , div []
                                    [ Button.button
                                            |> Button.icon (Just Icon.Search)
                                            |> Button.attributes [ onClick SearchByPackage ]
                                            |> Button.fluid True
                                            |> Button.attached (Just SemanticUI.AttachTop)
                                        [ text "Search by package" ]
                            , if privileges == Admin then
                                [ header "Part Type"
                                , div
                                    [ class "ui buttons bottom attached"
                                    , discardClicks
                                        partTypeButton t =
                                                    |> (partType == t)
                                                    |> Button.attributes [ onClick (SetPartType t) ]
                                                [ text <|
                                                    case t of
                                                        Normal ->

I've truncated it, but this clearly needs to be split up. Having some warnings that code is becoming too indented would be a good indicator to act early and start breaking things apart.

Any thoughts?

@ocharles Thanks for your issue. In #10 I already mention Functions where 'too much' happens, but I had a hard time to actually define this. Functions with too much indentation may be a nice subset of function where there is too much going on.
In question that I would like to get answered is: are there cases where you do have a high indent? For example static HTML values with a lot of nested divs and no logic (think about a Bootstrap menu).

I see a lot of let statements being used in other let statements (which is a kind of scoping). Would this be a sufficient check to not allow nested lets? Reducing this may already increase the quality of the function.

Yea, I agree - "too much" is hard to define, but I think indentation is a good measure.

I think nested lets aren't necessarily a smell, I usually end up with excessive indentation when I start nesting case statements directly into HTML trees. But even big HTML trees can have a lot of indentation - this is usually an indicator that the tree should be split into something more abstract, with different sections moved to let bindings.

I agree.

Defining the golden max-indentation is something I do not want to burn my fingers on. Would it be a good option to only check this if for example a maxIndentation property is specified in the elm-analyse.json? Then each project can specify its max, not having people report issues on elm-analyse that the default should be X or Y. I do like defaults, but maximums for these kind of things are always non-trivial context based values.

That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. The community may well discover a common parameter.

The community may well discover a common parameter.

That would be the ultimate goal