
[STLINK-V3-SET]: If the device fails to enter SWD mode, the usb device is not released

TheFissk opened this issue · 2 comments

  • I made serious effort to avoid creating duplicate or nearly similar issue

  • Programmer/board type: STLINK-V3-SET
  • Operating system an version: Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS + a really out of date version of Debian)
  • stlink tools version and/or git commit hash: v1.8.0
  • stlink commandline tool name: Tested against st-flash and st-info

When there is no board connected to the programmer causing it to fail to enter SWD mode subsequent invokations of the tool hang before failing.

Commandline output:
These commands are separated by several seconds, I'm not machinegunning the tool expecting it to work. The first command returns immediately, the second hangs for ~10s

$ st-flash reset
st-flash 1.8.0
Failed to enter SWD mode
Failed to connect to target
Failed to parse flash type or unrecognized flash type //This line went to stderr rather than stdout
$ st-flash reset
st-flash 1.8.0
2024-05-24T10:41:08 ERROR usb.c: GET_VERSION send request failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
2024-05-24T10:41:11 ERROR usb.c: GET_CURRENT_MODE send request failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
2024-05-24T10:41:14 ERROR usb.c: GET_COM_FREQ send request failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
2024-05-24T10:41:17 ERROR usb.c: GET_CURRENT_MODE send request failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
2024-05-24T10:41:20 ERROR usb.c: ENTER_SWD send request failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
Failed to parse flash type or unrecognized flash type
Failed to enter SWD mode
Failed to connect to target
2024-05-24T10:41:23 ERROR usb.c: DEBUG_EXIT send request failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT

I also tested it against st-info --chipid and it works in much the same way, but it suppresses the stderr output, so that the program hangs for a ~10 seconds before outputting:

$ st-info --chipid
Failed to enter SWD mode

Plugging a board into the programmer once its entered this degraded state does not resolve the issue, it will continue to output the same errors

st-info --probe works as expected returning instantly regardless of whether or not the device was able to enter SWD mode in previous invokations of st-info --probe

The V2 programmer works as expected, returning instantly even after failing to enter SWD mode.


If the V3 programmer should return instantly after failing to enter SWD mode, regardless of whether or not it was able to enter SWD mode previously.

@Ant-ON: Can we be sure about that the STLINK-V3-SET is fully supported yet?
The only thing I found are the respective VID:PIDs in the udev-rules ...

@Nightwalker-87 STLINK-V3-SET has the same commands as STLINK-V3, therefore the STLINK-V3-SET should be supported too