
Tracking issue for a release

newAM opened this issue · 1 comments

newAM commented
newAM commented

API checklist

  • Naming (crate aligns with Rust naming conventions)
    • Casing conforms to RFC 430
    • Ad-hoc conversions follow as_, to_, into_ conventions
    • Getter names follow Rust convention
    • Methods on collections that produce iterators follow iter, iter_mut, into_iter
    • Iterator type names match the methods that produce them
    • Feature names are free of placeholder words
    • Names use a consistent word order
  • Interoperability (crate interacts nicely with other library functionality)
    • Types eagerly implement common traits
      • Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug,
        Display, Default
    • Conversions use the standard traits From, AsRef, AsMut
    • Collections implement FromIterator and Extend
    • Data structures implement Serde's Serialize, Deserialize
    • Types are Send and Sync where possible
    • Error types are meaningful and well-behaved
    • Binary number types provide Hex, Octal, Binary formatting
    • Generic reader/writer functions take R: Read and W: Write by value
  • Macros (crate presents well-behaved macros)
    • Input syntax is evocative of the output
    • Macros compose well with attributes
    • Item macros work anywhere that items are allowed
    • Item macros support visibility specifiers
    • Type fragments are flexible
  • Documentation (crate is abundantly documented)
    • Crate level docs are thorough and include examples
    • All items have a rustdoc example
    • Examples use ?, not try!, not unwrap
    • Function docs include error, panic, and safety considerations
    • Prose contains hyperlinks to relevant things
    • Cargo.toml includes all common metadata
      • authors, description, license, homepage, documentation, repository,
        keywords, categories
    • Release notes document all significant changes
    • Rustdoc does not show unhelpful implementation details
  • Predictability (crate enables legible code that acts how it looks)
    • Smart pointers do not add inherent methods
    • Conversions live on the most specific type involved
    • Functions with a clear receiver are methods
    • Functions do not take out-parameters
    • Operator overloads are unsurprising
    • Only smart pointers implement Deref and DerefMut
    • Constructors are static, inherent methods
  • Flexibility (crate supports diverse real-world use cases)
    • Functions expose intermediate results to avoid duplicate work
    • Caller decides where to copy and place data
    • Functions minimize assumptions about parameters by using generics
    • Traits are object-safe if they may be useful as a trait object
  • Type safety (crate leverages the type system effectively)
    • Newtypes provide static distinctions
    • Arguments convey meaning through types, not bool or Option
    • Types for a set of flags are bitflags, not enums
    • Builders enable construction of complex values
  • Dependability (crate is unlikely to do the wrong thing)
    • Functions validate their arguments
    • Destructors never fail
    • Destructors that may block have alternatives
  • Debuggability (crate is conducive to easy debugging)
    • All public types implement Debug
    • Debug representation is never empty
  • Future proofing (crate is free to improve without breaking users' code)
    • Sealed traits protect against downstream implementations
    • Structs have private fields
    • Newtypes encapsulate implementation details
    • Data structures do not duplicate derived trait bounds
  • Necessities (to whom they matter, they really matter)
    • Public dependencies of a stable crate are stable
    • Crate and its dependencies have a permissive license