
Will not compile

jfitter opened this issue · 4 comments

Nothing I can do will make this compile.
`Compiling debug version of 'frBlink' for 'Maple Mini'

The STM32duino_FreeRTOS library encountered an unknown path resolve error.In file included from D*: Users\jfitter\Documents\Arduino\libraries\STM32duino_FreeRTOS\src/FreeRTOS/Source/include/portable.h:94:0
FreeRTOS.h:104: from
FreeRTOS.h:9: from
cmsis_os.h:101: from
cmsis_os.c:100: from

portmacro.h: 12:20: error: no "__CORTEX_M" definition
#pragma GCC error "no "__CORTEX_M" definition"

cmsis_os.c: 122:25: fatal error: cmsis_gcc.h: No such file or directory
#include "cmsis_gcc.h"
compilation terminated
Debug build failed for project 'frBlink'`

This library is mainly for this core:
It uses the cmsis which define the __CORTEX_M macro. I think you

I think you use the core from Roger. Arduino_stm32 which do notre use the cmsis. So you have to define yourself this macro. I know There is also a freertos library provided with Roger core.

Yes, you are right. I am using Roger's core. I did define the macro but that led to other problems. I will try to find Roger's FreeRtos port. Thankyou.
I would like to use Arduino_Core_STM32 but it appears to not support the Maple and Blue Pill boards.