
Can not use HID bootloader while using STM32FreeRTOS

PadmaIoT opened this issue · 6 comments

I was using the HID bootloader for USB for Arduino IDE for several months. But when I inserted the FreeRTOS I lost the com port for the blue pill. And look like the program does not work, though the program is uploaded. I mean I tried to use pc13 to blink1 and PA4 to blink2 program (blink 1 & 2 are for different time delays). How can I solve this?

I am not able to get any answers from the developer until now. Please would you see the issue?

Hi @PadmaIoT

Which version of the core you used ?
You should try the 2.3.0, we fixed the system init to ensure all configuration is ok after bootloader exit (jump to application).
If it does not work, I have no more idea.

I am using 2.3.0 core.

Do you have any support for STM32F103C8T6 chip? Bcz I did not find one. @fpistm