
I would like PIO support.

nopnop2002 opened this issue · 12 comments

My Envitonment

STM32F103(8MHz Xtal) + platformIO

Platform Manager
Platform ststm32
Checking platformio/ststm32                   15.2.0                             [Up-to-date]
Checking platformio/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi  1.70201.0 @ >=1.60301.0,<1.80000.0 [Up-to-date]
Checking platformio/framework-arduinoststm32  4.20100.211028 @ ~4.20100.0        [Up-to-date]
Checking platformio/framework-arduinoststm32-maple 3.10000.201129 @ ~3.10000.0        [Up-to-date]
Checking platformio/tool-stm32duino           1.0.1 @ ~1.0.1                     [Up-to-date]
Checking platformio/tool-openocd              2.1100.211028 @ ~2.1100.0          [Up-to-date]
Checking platformio/tool-dfuutil              1.9.200310 @ ~1.9.190708           [Up-to-date]

My config

default_envs = blackpill_f103c8

platform = ststm32
board = blackpill_f103c8
framework = arduino
lib_deps =

My code

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "STM32LowPower.h"

void setup() {
  Serial.println("serial (same as 1)");

void loop() {
  unsigned long nowMillis = millis();
  Serial.println("serial printing");
  for(int i=0;i<20;i++) LowPower.deepSleep(1000);
  //for(int i=0;i<10;i++) LowPower.sleep(1000);
  //for(int i=0;i<5;i++) LowPower.idle(1000);


My understanding is that the above code sleeps 1000ms 20 times.

However, it actually sleeps only 250 milliseconds.
Standard output scrolls up at a high speed.

Is the frequency of the crystal involved?

Screen Shot


As stated the millis is based on systick when you are in sleep mode it is not incremented.

Ex displaying the timestamp:

10:23:20.962 -> 1114
10:23:20.962 -> serial printing
10:24:04.114 -> 1336
10:24:04.114 -> serial printing
10:24:47.248 -> 1558
10:24:47.248 -> serial printing
10:25:30.420 -> 1780
10:25:30.420 -> serial printing
10:26:13.533 -> 2002
10:26:13.533 -> serial printing
10:26:56.661 -> 2224
10:26:56.661 -> serial printing

Ok we have more than 20 * 1000 ms but entering and exiting deep sleep take some times.


Ex displaying the timestamp:

I want your code.

I will be hospitalized from tomorrow.

The reply will be delayed.

I have not change your code. Only use the timestamp feature of the Arduino Serial monitor.

I want to timestamp feature.

Please publish all your code.

I want to timestamp feature.

Well use the Arduino IDE serial monitor.
Your issue here is that you use millis() to know how many time spent but as said millis is based on systick which is disabled (not increment) during the sleep time.

Well use the Arduino IDE serial monitor.

I don't use Arduino IDE.
STM32F103(8MHz Xtal) + platformIO.

I know 😉 I only anwser you how I get the timestamp. Maybe some other terminal have this feature.
Note that we officially doesn't support PIO. Only Arduino IDE.

Note that we officially doesn't support PIO. Only Arduino IDE.

I would like PIO support.
This is the log when building with PIO.

[2022-02-28 22:43:34.523] serial printing
[2022-02-28 22:43:34.924] 24929
[2022-02-28 22:43:34.924] serial printing
[2022-02-28 22:43:35.310] 25171
[2022-02-28 22:43:35.310] serial printing
[2022-02-28 22:43:35.695] 25413
[2022-02-28 22:43:35.695] serial printing

Based on your log, you probably have a wakeup event which appears. See all your wakeup pin of this board.
Moreover is it a guenine STM32, I know some blackpill have no guenine stm32.
And non we do not support PIO so I close this issue as you change the title. Use PIO GH instead.

I have one question.
What is "PIO GH"

Please show me some information about "PIO GH"

PlatformIO GitHub:

for stm32:

But I don't think they could help on this. For me it is linked to the hardware.

Thank you.


I have confirmed that it works fine with the Arduino IDE.

I found out that PlatformIO is incomplete.