
Noob question: missing required packages?

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I saw CNCkitchen's video and wanted to try this out. I'm running Pyton 3 on WSL. I did the first steps and then it says "run the application". So I type


but I'm greeted with

File "/home/memory/arc-overhang/", line 13, in
from tkinter import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'

I'm no Python expert (nor Linux expert), so I look on StackOverflow. It seems I must. sudo apt-get install python3-tk.
That solves step 1, but now I get a new one:

File "/home/memory/arc-overhang/", line 14, in
import tk
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tk'

I don't get a good stackoverflow result on that. What am I missing? Should the requirements.txt be extended?

Or am I not even supposed to run the application like that? Although the readme is pretty good, I'm missing a noob-level guide.

wait tk is gui? I need to install python for windows?

update: hmm also doesn't work under python for windows it seems... missing tk again.

update2: it worked under windows when I commented-out the line 14 import tk

But the app doesn't do what I though it does: I thought it would take my gcode and replace the existing overhangs with arc overhangs 😅

I had similar problems: it couldn't find the shapely library.
Not sure how I fixed it. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling python, also seems there is a python in the M$ Web store, I don't know if it is different.
Have you checked your path? Or should I say "$PATH"?